| 1. | More than a quarter of them switched their core business out of traditional sectors into growth industries in recent years 近年来转型的集团数目超过三十大的四分之一。 |
| 2. | However it is based on anti - rural and questionable preinises chiefly resulting from a presumed " irrationality " in the traditional sector 然后分析了从1952年到1977年期间在优先发展重工业战略指导下的中国工业化与城市化的发展过程及其主要特点。 |
| 3. | Kuznets in the two - sector economy , assumed that income inequality simulated in the modern sector were greater than that in the traditional sector , and robinson ( 1976 ) also made the same assumptions in his model 应用该模型,我们模拟了中国经济增长过程中收入不平等的变动趋势,指出了倒u假说可能适用于中国的情况。 |
| 4. | Therefore , if the modem sector is designated as the " leading " sector or the " growh " pole , then it can transfer the mplus labor oni of the traditional sector and the economy wil1 be modendzed in the end 第三章“传统体制下中国的工业化和城市化” ,首先分析了新中国成立之初即中国开始工业化和城市化进程时所面临的内部和外部初始条件。 |
| 5. | This thesis presents a series of models to explore economic development in the light of the division of labor . two sectors exist in a small developing economy : " traditional sector " and " modern sector " 并且由于大量中间产品? ?尤其是生产性服务? ?的不可贸易性,在开放经济环境中,分工网络的密度和规模高度依赖于对国内“现代部门”最终产品的需求。 |
| 6. | In the former a constant return to scale technology with labor as the sole input is used ; in the later an increasing return to scale technology based on the division of labor that needs both labor and capital as input is used . we can show that in a closed economy or in the situation of complete international specialization the increase of productivity in traditional sector leads to the expansion of modern sector 因此,经济发展可以看作劳动分工网络不断扩展与深化的过程,而对分工网络的性质和它与各种经济要素之间关系的了解,则是对发展中国家在国际经济体系中的地位及其国际经济政策的有效性做出正确判断的前提。 |
| 7. | However , in the situation of incomplete international specialization the effect is uncertain . we also find that the increase of productivity in traditional sector does not necessarily improve the comparative advantage in this sector . moreover , we analyze two types of situations with multiple equilibria in which the economy can jump from a " traditional technology " to a " modern technology " equilibrium 基于上述理论,本文依次考察了自给自足、不完全国际分工和完全国际分工条件下发展中国家劳动分工水平的决定和演化,在“传统部门”与“现代部门”的关系、发展中国家比较优势的决定和经济发展中的多重均衡等方面得出了一些新的结论。 |
| 8. | According to lewis , in the process of econondc development , the urban - crmered modem sector will accumlate capita and provide ernp1oyment choice for the transference of surplus 1abor , so it is the engine of economic groed , whereas the traditional sector is only a negative sector whose orily role is provide the labor force for the modrm sector 再次,作者分析了工业化和城市化协调发展的基本含义,工业化与城市化协调发展的必要性,提出了判断工业化与城市化协调发展与否的三个检验标准即经济增长绩效、收入分配状况和经济发展的可持续性。 |
| 9. | But as a matter of fact , for the undeveloped , in a passive way , executing import - substituted strategy and attracting foreign capitals is essentially accepting the backward industries that the developed abandoned . to a certain degree , it is beneficial for the undeveloped to boost new tech and uplift traditional sectors , but it cannot shake off the inherent grade ' s difference 但是事实上,欠发达国家实行的“进口替代”与“引进外资”战略,其实质是被动接受发达国家所转移的落后产业,它对欠发达国家新技术产业的发展和传统产业的提升虽然具有一定的作用,但不能消除固有的产业级差。 |